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5424 people made the honor roll
Last Name First Name Middle Name(s) Suffix HS Grad Year High School College Degree Major Honor Roll City State
Hudson Rendi Marie 2013 Butner High School HE BHS HDFS Dean's OKEMAH OK
Maples Joshua A 2014 Okemah Senior High School AG BSAG PASS Dean's OKEMAH OK
Taylor Katie L 2014 Paden High School AS BS BIOL President's OKEMAH OK
Lowe Kiah Ann 2012 Westmoore High School HE BHS DHM President's OKLAHOMA OK
Alexander Sean Anthony 2013 Bishop McGuinness Hs AS BS PSYC President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Alghamdi Abdulaziz Abdulrahman 2009 International High Schools EN BSME MEEN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Ammons Brietta Camille 2013 Broken Arrow High School HE BHS HDFS President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Apgar Amanda Nicole 2012 Putnam City High School AS BA SPM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Arnold Jacob Davis 2014 Edmond Memorial High School AS BS CS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Arnold Samuel Lindsey 2013 Edmond Memorial High School EN BSCV CIVE Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Ayres Kayla Marie 2011 Deer Creek Hs/Edmond, Ok HE BHS HDFS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Behymer Brady Wayne 2013 Putnam City North Hs EN BSME MEEN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Bejarano Ortiz Jose N 2014 Mustang High School EN BSME MEEN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Benedict Kristjen David 2011 Harding Charter Prep School EN BSME MEEN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Biggers Caitlyn Noelle 2012 Bethany High School AS BS PSYC President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Bliss Tadd Allen II 2009 Moore High School EN BSET EETE Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Bone Courtney Taylor 2013 Southmoore High School AS BS CDIS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Bothwell Daniel C 2014 Westmoore High School EN BSEE ELEN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Bothwell James Duncan Jr 2011 Westmoore High School HE BHS NSCI President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Bowman Aaron M 2012 Southwest Covenant School EN BSET EETE Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Brett Abby Lee 2011 Putnam City North Hs AS BS CDIS President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Broussard Amanda Renique 2012 Bishop McGuinness Hs BU BSBA EEE President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Brownen Ryan Tyler 2013 Putnam City High School BU BSBA MGMT Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Bruner Ariana Nicole 2013 Putnam City North Hs AS BS SOC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Butler Bailey E 2014 Bishop McGuinness Hs AS BS PSYC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Butler Shanniyah 2014 Putnam City North Hs HE BHS DHM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Chancellor Lindsey Rae 2011 Classen School Advanced Stds AS BA AMSD President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Christian Jason Allen 1996 Meeker High School AS BA ENGL Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Cieminski Maggie Alan 2010 Putnam City North Hs HE BHS HDFS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Cieminski Michael Timothy 2013 Putnam City North Hs AS BS ZOOL President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Cohen Logan Andrew 2013 Mustang High School BU BSBA MGMT Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Cohlmia Blake A 2014 Putnam City North Hs AS BS PHSL Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Coleman Mackenzie Leigh 2012 Edmond Memorial High School ED BS ELEM President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Covey Lori M 2014 Putnam City North Hs BU B UND President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Covey Mitchell 2014 Putnam City North Hs EN BSEE ELEN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Cowan Tanner D 2014 Putnam City North Hs EN BSME MEEN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Crisp Raven D 2014 Del City High School BU BSBA INBU Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Crossno Brannan Marshall 2012 Casady School AS BA MMJ Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Crowder John Dale 2011 Bishop McGuinness Hs BU BSBA ACCT Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Dail Jason B 2000 Brea Olinda High School ED BS AADO Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Dang Tam T 2014 Moore High School BU BSBA ACCT Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Davis Anna Maria 2013 Putnam City High School AS BA SPAN President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Dawson Chandler M 2014 Westmoore High School ED BS SCED Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Deloera Anita 2014 Putnam City West High School ED BS RMTR President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Deloera Mariana 2013 Harding Charter Prep School ED BS ELEM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Deloera Mariana 2013 Westmoore High School ED BS SCED Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Dennis Taylor Ann 2012 Choctaw High School AG BSAG ENVR Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Denny Rebecca Ann 2011 Mount Saint Mary High School AS BA PSYC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Devore Collin Dean 2013 Putnam City High School BU BSBA ECON Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Dimit Bradley Douglas 2004 Putnam City North Hs BU BSBA ACCT President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Dirks Iesha S 2011 Putnam City West High School ED BS ELEM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Draper Kristen Mariah 2012 Bethany High School HE BHS HDFS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Dubberstein Roslyn Marie 2012 Edmond Memorial High School AS BA LBST Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Duong Julie 2014 Piedmont High School ED BS HEPR Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Engle Serena Meagan 2011 Heritage Hall Upper School AS BFA ART Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Eskew William H 2014 Classen School Advanced Stds AS BS PHSL President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Feix Carson Russell 2011 Oklahoma Christian Upper Sch AS BS MCMB Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Feix Tucker D 2014 Oklahoma Christian Upper Sch AS B UND Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Fisher Michael P 2014 Classen School Advanced Stds EN BSME MEEN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Florence John David 2012 Putnam City North Hs BU BSBA MGMT Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Francis Erin C 2014 Moore High School AS BS MCMB President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Gammill Dorian Nichole 2011 Westmoore High School AS BS ZOOL Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Gault Kate 2002 Bishop McGuinness Hs VM DVM VM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Ghaniabadi Brady Ali 2013 Bishop McGuinness Hs EN BSCV CIVE Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Gillette Grayson Hunter 2012 Broken Arrow High School ED BS ATRN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Gin Amy Lauren 2013 Putnam City North Hs AS BS BIOC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Glover Jordan Elizabeth 2013 Putnam City North Hs AS BA SC President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Glover Joshua Caleb 2010 Putnam City North Hs EN BSCH CHEN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Glover Kryston L 2014 Ulysses S Grant High School UA B UAAA Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Groh Steven Tyler 2010 Putnam City North Hs AS BFA ART Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Gutierrez Nayedhli 2014 Santa Fe South High School AS BA PSYC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Haffey Megan N 2014 Putnam City North Hs BU BSBA MKTG Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Hale Michael Alan 2010 Woodward High School AS BS MCMB Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Harry Madison Michelle 2012 Putnam City High School ED BS SCED President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Hatchett Ciera Patrice 2011 Millwood High School AS BS PSYC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Heath Mary C 2011 Edmond Memorial High School BU BSBA MKTG Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Hendrick James Porter IV 2011 Southmoore High School BU BSBA ACCT Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Henning Hannah Lee 2010 Heritage Hall Upper School BU BSBA MKTG President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Henry Rebecca Elizabeth 2011 Putnam City North Hs HE BHS HDFS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Higgins Jenevieve Michelle 2008 Unknown High School ED BS ATRN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Hill Valerie Serae 2012 Millwood High School HE BHS HDFS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Ho Richard John 2012 Putnam City High School AS BS CS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Horton Alexandra Nicole 2011 Casady School HE BHS HRAD Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Houchin Braley K 2014 Putnam City North Hs UA B UAAS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Hutchison Jordan J 2014 Putnam City High School AS BS GEOL President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
James Autumn K 2014 Midwest City High School AG BSAG ANSI Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Jewell Michael Pascoe 2012 Bishop McGuinness Hs BU BSBA FIN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Johnson Michael Walter 2010 Bishop McGuinness Hs EN BSCV CIVE President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Jones Lashawn Michelle 2011 Putnam City High School AS BS SOC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Karim Olivia Drew 2013 Bishop McGuinness Hs AS BS MCMB Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Kegel Michal D 2014 Putnam City High School EN BSAE AERS President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Key Ruth Elizabeth 2013 Putnam City High School EN BSAE AERS President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Kirby Samuel Patrick 2010 Putnam City North Hs HE BHS HRAD Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Langston Jordan Lanai 2014 Edmond Memorial High School AS BS SOC President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Leasure Brady Ford 2012 Casady School BU BSBA ACCT President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Lee James Chandler Addison 2013 Classen School Advanced Stds AS BA ENGL Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Leforce Peter Gallman 2014 Heritage Hall Upper School BU B UND Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Lewis Catherine Elaine 2013 Bishop McGuinness Hs ED BS ELEM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Lewis Katie Diane 2004 Classen School Advanced Stds BU BSBA ACCT Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Lilienthal Jessica Marie 2009 Putnam City North Hs AG BSAG PASS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Linck Jennifer Elizabeth 2012 Owasso High School ED BS HEPR Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Lippert Jeffrey Walter 2011 Heritage Hall Upper School BU BSBA EEE Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Llan De Rosos Danielle C 2006 Casady School VM DVM VM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Long Kennade Marie 2014 Putnam City North Hs AS BA PSYC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Lopez Cecilia 2013 Putnam City High School HE BHS NSCI Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Martin Bradleigh Jae 2013 Southmoore High School HE BHS HRAD Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Martin Gabrielle Anna 2014 Putnam City North Hs HE BHS NSCI Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Martinez Patricia 2012 Putnam City North Hs AS BA PSYC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Mawdsley Mary Elizabeth 2013 Bishop McGuinness Hs HE BHS HDFS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
McAnulty Sarah Michelle 2011 Bishop McGuinness Hs HE BHS DHM President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
McAskill John Blake 2003 Altus High School AS BS CS President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
McCartt Kathryn Elizabeth 2013 Westmoore High School ED BS ELEM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
McGill Imani Nia 2013 Putnam City North Hs AS BS BIOC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
McLerran Jessica Faith 2011 Home Schooled AS BS SOC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
McMurrain Connor Simpson 2012 Casady School BU BSBA MGMT Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Mendenhall Scott Austin 2012 Putnam City High School AG BSAG LM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Miley Ian Caleb 2011 Putnam City North Hs EN BAR ARCH Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Mills Calli Marie 2011 Putnam City North Hs HE BHS HDFS President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Moore Megan Lynne 2011 Bishop McGuinness Hs ED BS ATRN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Morrissey Matthew William 2011 Bishop McGuinness Hs BU BSBA ACCT Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Morton Saige M 2014 Putnam City North Hs AG BSAG ANSI Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Myers Mary Catherine 2012 Bishop McGuinness Hs AS BS PSYC President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Myles Katherine C 2013 Classen School Advanced Stds AS BS SC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Nakmali Michael Don 2012 Classen School Advanced Stds HE BHS NSCI President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Nelson Kathleen Marie 2011 Phillips Exeter Academy EN BSME MEEN President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Newell Mikayla Jordan-La'Shawn 2014 Edmond North High School AS BS PSYC President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Nguyen Nathan Minh 2012 Mount Saint Mary High School BU BSBA MIS President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Nicoll Kimberly Noel 2011 Putnam City North Hs AS BA PSYC President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Noble Hannah C 2014 Southmoore High School ED BS ELEM President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
O'Hara Nicholas Kyle 2011 Bishop McGuinness Hs BU BSBA EEE Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
O'Hara Vivian Mallory 2012 Bishop McGuinness Hs BU BSBA ACCT President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
O'Hare Anna Katarina 2013 Bishop McGuinness Hs AG BSAG NREM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
O'Hare Caroline G 2014 Bishop McGuinness Hs HE BHS NSCI President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Ogle Sayre Delaney 2013 Edmond Memorial High School ED BS SCED Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Olivarez Jeffrey VM DVM VM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Osborne Patrick O'Neal 2013 Mustang High School AS BS SPM President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Parker Jordan Nicole 2013 Moore High School AS BA PSYC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Patten Megan Lee 2013 Moore High School HE BHS HDFS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Paxton Haley Deann 2011 Putnam City North Hs BU BSBA MIS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Pearson Carlie Mckay 2012 Edmond Memorial High School AS BS PHSL President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Perry Stormy Jo 2014 Oklahoma School Of Sci&Math AG BSAG BIMB President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Pham Susan Nguyen 2012 Dove Science Academy AG BSAG BIMB Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Pinegar Sydney A 2014 Putnam City North Hs EN BSCH CHEN President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Pittman Preston Alexander 2013 Putnam City High School BU BSBA FIN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Plank Addison Townsley 2013 Bishop McGuinness Hs AS BS SPM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Pollock Robert Lee 2011 Booker T Washington Hs EN BSME MEEN President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Purcell Lindsey K 2014 Putnam City North Hs AG BSAG BIMB Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Purvis Brandon Michael 2014 Southmoore High School AS BS PSYC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Quinn Haley J 2014 Home Schooled AS BS CDIS President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Quinn Jefferson Hunter 2011 Home Schooled AS BA SPAN President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Reap Aidan Thomas 2012 Bishop McGuinness Hs EN BSME MEEN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Reid Brittney Ciara 2010 Midwest City High School ED BS HEPR President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Reiner Morgan Danielle 2011 Enid High School EN BSIE IEM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Resides William Philip 2014 Bishop McGuinness Hs BU BSBA EEE Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Reynolds Chris A 2014 Harding Charter Prep School EN BSET EETE Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Richardson Harley Dion 2011 Edmond Santa Fe High School EN BSAE AERS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Ring Brennan 2014 Bethany High School BU BSBA GNBU President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Roberson Tate David 2013 Putnam City North Hs EN BSAE AERS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Robison Colton Ace 2013 Shamrock High School AG BSAG ANSI Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Roedemeister Brytin Cheyenne 2013 Dove Science Academy EN BSME MEEN President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Ross Corbin Lendon 2010 Piedmont High School ED BS HEPR Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Rounds Randi Beth 2011 Westmoore High School ED BS RMTR Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Rowland Monae Daichelle 2012 Putnam City North Hs HE BHS HDFS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Ryan William Richard 2011 Bishop McGuinness Hs AG BSAG ANSI Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Sanchez Solomon Luke 2013 Westmoore High School EN BSME MEEN President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Schmitt Brittany Noel 2013 Piedmont High School HE BHS NSCI Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Scroggie Kerry J 2014 Westmoore High School UA B UAUN President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Shippman Madesen Marie 2013 Westmoore High School ED BS ELEM President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Sholar Angela Brown 2013 Deer Creek Hs/Edmond, Ok AS BS SC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Slater Scott R 1978 Putnam City High School ED BS AADO Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Smith Abigail Rose 2013 Bishop McGuinness Hs AG BSAG NREM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Speziale Hannah Christine 2013 Bishop McGuinness Hs AS BS CDIS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Spidell Andrew Feller 2011 Bishop McGuinness Hs EN BSET MET Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Staggs Forest A 2014 Bishop McGuinness Hs EN BSME MEEN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Staples Amanda Dawn 2013 Putnam City High School BU BSBA MGMT President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Staples Nicholas Kelton 2010 Bishop McGuinness Hs BU BSBA FIN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Stockton Mathew Connor 2013 Deer Creek Hs/Edmond, Ok ED BS HEPR President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Stroud Collin Andrew 2013 Putnam City High School EN BSME MEEN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Sulanke Steven S 2007 Putnam City North Hs EN BSET EETE Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Temple Joanna Carolyn 2011 Putnam City North Hs AS BS SC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Thai Zhong W 2014 Putnam City High School EN BSME MEEN President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Thompson Karly A 2014 Southmoore High School AG BSAG ANSI Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Tinnin Wesley D 2014 Moore High School AG BSAG ANSI Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Tussy Jordan Alyse 2012 Edmond Memorial High School HE BHS NSCI President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Uranga Miranda Kaye 2013 Mustang High School ED BS SCED Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Ventresca Daniela Franca 2013 Putnam City North Hs HE BHS HRAD Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Venzor Jesse Murray 2011 Midwest City High School EN BSEE ELEN Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Vuong Jane 2013 Mustang High School BU BSBA MIS Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Walker Brooks Daniel 2012 Putnam City North Hs AG BSAG BIMB Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Walker Raven Savonne 2012 Midwest City High School AS BS MMJ Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Wallace Amy Gale 2012 Putnam City North Hs AS BS CDIS President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Wallis Emily Ann 2012 Woodlands High School The AS BS PSYC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Wallis Hannah M 2014 Woodlands High School The AS BS MATH President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Ward Joseph Conner 2010 Classen School Advanced Stds BU BSBA ACCT Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Watson Emily Ann 2013 Bishop McGuinness Hs BU BSBA MGMT Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Watson Karli Brooke 2011 Edmond Memorial High School AG BSAG NREM Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Webber Joseph Daniel 2012 Bishop McGuinness Hs AS BS ZOOL Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Welch Madison Danielle 2012 Oklahoma Christian Upper Sch BU BSBA EEE Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Wietelman Derek Christian 2012 Southmoore High School AS BA POLS President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Wild Alexander Clover 2012 Carl Albert Senior Hs EN BSME MEEN President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Wilguess Caitlin J 2014 Edmond Memorial High School BU BSBA ACCT Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Wilmot Jordan Alexandria 2013 Western Heights High School EN BSCV CIVE President's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Wittenmyer Matthew Joseph 2010 Midwest City High School ED BS AADO Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Wright Jeremy Christopher 2014 Westmoore High School AS BA PSYC Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Zheng Link Hop 2012 Edmond Santa Fe High School AS BS MCMB Dean's OKLAHOMA CITY OK
Allen Matthew Drennon 2012 Home Schooled AS BS CS President's OKMULGEE OK
Banks Aubrion Keyia 2010 Okmulgee High School AS BS PSYC Dean's OKMULGEE OK
Gray Samantha Lynn 2013 Preston High School BU BSBA INBU Dean's OKMULGEE OK
Motte Eric Wayne 2010 Preston High School BU BSBA MKTG Dean's OKMULGEE OK
Skaggs Anthony T 2000 Edison High School BU BSBA MIS Dean's OKMULGEE OK
Brennecke Katelyn Renee 2012 Olathe East High School AG BSAG FDSC President's OLATHE KS
Perrin Jonathan Wade 2011 Olathe East High School AS BA HIST Dean's OLATHE KS
Petersons Kira Blythe 2014 Olathe North High School HE BHS DHM Dean's OLATHE KS
Schneider Ethan Michael 2014 Olathe East High School BU BSBA INBU Dean's OLATHE KS
Taylor Olivia Nicole 2014 Olathe Northwest AG BSAG ANSI Dean's OLATHE KS
Cannella William Taylor 2011 Creighton Prep School EN BSCV CIVE Dean's OMAHA NE
Johnson Nathan Mcdermott 2013 Creighton Prep School BU BSBA FIN Dean's OMAHA NE
Nichols Clara Susan 2012 Millard South High School AS BA HIST Dean's OMAHA NE
Spadea Thomas Michael 2013 Edmond North High School AG BSAG ENVR Dean's OMAHA NE
Edwards Nathaniel David 2012 Oologah High School AG BSAG ANSI Dean's OOLOGAH OK
Gaylord Acy Omega 2011 Oologah High School EN BSET MET President's OOLOGAH OK
Long Forrest Everett 2012 Oologah High School BU BSBA ACCT Dean's OOLOGAH OK
Sharp Colton Doss 2011 Oologah High School EN BSEE ELEN President's OOLOGAH OK
Koether Brittany Alyssa VM DVM VM Dean's ORANGE CT
Abee Jewel Murdis VM DVM VM Dean's ORLANDO OK
Miller Tanner Ray 2013 Mulhall-Orlando High School AG BSAG AGED Dean's ORLANDO OK
Logan Michael Patrick 2012 Centennial High School BU BSBA FIN Dean's ORMOND BEACH FL
Hillegas Hannah M 2012 Richmond R-Xvi High School EN BSCV CIVE President's ORRICK MO
Ervin Jacqueline Marie 2012 Brandon High School AG BSAG ANSI Dean's ORTONVILLE MI
Hanna Victoria Lynn 2009 International High Schools VM DVM VM Dean's OSHAWA ON
Cunningham Anastasia Marie 2010 North Royalton High School HE BHS HRAD Dean's OSHKOSH WI
Loevnes Ingeborg 2011 International High Schools AS BUS UNST President's OSLO
Alzaher Forat 2009 International High Schools AS BS MATH Dean's OTTAWA ON
Alzaher Sarah International High Schools BU BSBA ACCT President's OTTAWA ON
Block Grady Johnson 2013 Blue Valley High School BU BSBA FIN Dean's OVERLAND PARK KS
Bodenhamer Sydney Lee 2013 Blue Valley North Hs BU BSBA FIN Dean's OVERLAND PARK KS
Bondank Hayley A 2014 Olathe East High School AS BA SC Dean's OVERLAND PARK KS
Brehmer Jordan Ashley 2012 Blue Valley Southwest HE BHS HRAD Dean's OVERLAND PARK KS
Fenton Anndrea Louise 2012 Olathe North High School EN BSCH CHEN Dean's OVERLAND PARK KS
Gampper Mitchell J 2014 Saint Thomas Aquinas Hs EN BSEE ELEN President's OVERLAND PARK KS
Greiner Kale Jonathon 2013 Blue Valley West Hs ED BS HEPR President's OVERLAND PARK KS
Gunnigle Caroline Elizabeth 2013 Kansas City Christian School AG BSAG AGCM Dean's OVERLAND PARK KS
Jarvis Katelyn Shay 2013 Blue Valley West Hs HE BHS NSCI President's OVERLAND PARK KS
Lewis Patrick Miles 2011 Blue Valley High School AS BA MMJ Dean's OVERLAND PARK KS
Olson Annie Carol 2014 Blue Valley West Hs BU BSBA MIS Dean's OVERLAND PARK KS
Sanders Janna Mae 2012 Blue Valley Northwest Hs AS BA PSYC President's OVERLAND PARK KS
Schikevitz Abigail Breanna 2012 Blue Valley Northwest Hs BU BSBA MGMT President's OVERLAND PARK KS
Schram Carson M 2014 Blue Valley West Hs BU BSBA FIN Dean's OVERLAND PARK KS
Slusher Morgan K 2014 Blue Valley North Hs BU BSBA MKTG Dean's OVERLAND PARK KS