To search Oklahoma State University's Honor Roll listings, enter your search term in the top left field and click the appropriate corresponding search category to locate your results. Note: To search by state, please enter the state abbreviation. For example, to search for Oklahoma students, enter OK.
Last Name | First Name | Middle Name(s) | Suffix | HS Grad Year | High School | College | Degree | Major | Honor Roll | City | State |
McRae | Connor | L | 2014 | Bethany High School | EN | BAR | ARCH | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Meehan | Gabrielle | Elyse | 2009 | Kent Island High School | BU | BSBA | ACCT | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Mendenhall | Scott | Austin | 2012 | Putnam City High School | AG | BSAG | LM | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Miranda | Yvonny | M | 2001 | Olustee High School | BU | BSBA | MGMT | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Moore | Megan | Lynne | 2011 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | ED | BS | ATRN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Morrissey | Mary | Kate | 2015 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | AS | BS | MCMB | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Morrissey | Matthew | William | 2011 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | BU | BSBA | ACCT | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Morton | Saige | M | 2014 | Putnam City North Hs | AG | BSAG | ANSI | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Mowarin | Jannelle | Sylvia | 2011 | Edmond Santa Fe High School | HE | BHS | NSCI | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Murray | Janayah | Anne | 2015 | Oklahoma School Of Sci&Math | AG | BSAG | ENVR | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Muse | Lynette | R | 2015 | Putnam City High School | AS | BA | ART | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Muzny | Sarah | Beth | 2015 | Westmoore High School | BU | BSBA | FIN | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Myers | Mary | Catherine | 2012 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | AS | BS | PSYC | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Nakmali | Michael | Don | 2012 | Classen School Advanced Stds | HE | BHS | NSCI | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Nash | Aimee | N | 2015 | Del City High School | AS | BS | MCMB | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Nelson | Adelina | Rebecca | 2012 | Putnam City North Hs | HE | BHS | HDFS | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Newell | Mikayla | Jordan-La'Shawn | 2014 | Edmond North High School | AS | BS | PSYC | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Nguyen | Andrew | Long | 2013 | Yukon High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Nguyen | Bich | N | 2015 | Classen School Advanced Stds | EN | BSIE | IEM | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Nguyen | Julie | 2015 | Westmoore High School | EN | BSCH | CHEN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | ||
Nguyen | Nathan | Minh | 2012 | Mount Saint Mary High School | BU | BSBA | MIS | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Nguyen | Suong | EN | BSCH | CHEN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | ||||
Nisbett | Blake | Alan | 2015 | Putnam City North Hs | BU | BSBA | GNBU | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Noble | Hannah | C | 2014 | Southmoore High School | ED | BS | ELEM | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
O'Hara | Vivian | Mallory | 2012 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | BU | BSBA | ACCT | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
O'Hare | Anna | Katarina | 2013 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | AG | BSAG | NREM | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Ogle | Merritt | Donnelly | 2014 | Edmond Memorial High School | HE | BHS | HDFS | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Ogle | Sayre | Delaney | 2013 | Edmond Memorial High School | ED | BS | ELEM | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Olivarez | Jeffrey | VM | DVM | VM | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | ||||
Osborn | Sidney | N | 2015 | Norman North High School | AS | BS | SOC | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Osborne | Patrick | O'Neal | 2013 | Mustang High School | AS | BS | SPM | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Page | Taylor | C | 2015 | Newcastle High School | AS | BS | PSYC | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Parker | Jordan | Nicole | 2013 | Moore High School | HE | BHS | HDFS | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Patten | Megan | Lee | 2013 | Moore High School | HE | BHS | HDFS | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Pearson | Carlie | Mckay | 2012 | Edmond Memorial High School | AS | BS | PHSL | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Perry | Stormy | Jo | 2014 | Oklahoma School Of Sci&Math | AG | BSAG | BIMB | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Pham | Kaitlyn | Michelle | 2012 | Mount Saint Mary High School | AS | BS | BIOC | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Pierce | Anna | P | 2015 | Oklahoma School Of Sci&Math | AS | BS | PSYC | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Pinegar | Sydney | A | 2014 | Putnam City North Hs | EN | BSCH | CHEN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Pittman | Preston | Alexander | 2013 | Putnam City High School | BU | BSBA | FIN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Plank | Addison | Townsley | 2013 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | AS | BS | SPM | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Purcell | Lindsey | K | 2014 | Putnam City North Hs | AG | BSAG | BIMB | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Purvis | Brandon | Michael | 2014 | Southmoore High School | AS | BS | PSYC | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Quinn | Haley | J | 2014 | Home Schooled | AS | BS | SC | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Ralston | Brian | A | 2014 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | BU | BSBA | MIS | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Reap | Aidan | Thomas | 2012 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Redmond | Jasmine | S | BU | BSBA | GNBU | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |||
Reid | Brittney | Ciara | 2010 | Midwest City High School | ED | BS | HEPR | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Richardson | Harley | Dion | 2011 | Edmond Santa Fe High School | EN | BSAE | AERS | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Riedl | Richard | C | 2014 | Moore High School | AS | BM | MUSC | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Ring | Brennan | 2014 | Bethany High School | BU | BSBA | GNBU | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | ||
Roberson | Tate | David | 2013 | Putnam City North Hs | EN | BSAE | AERS | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Robison | Colton | Ace | 2013 | Shamrock High School | AG | BSAG | ANSI | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Rodriguez | Andrew | Joshua | 2006 | Jack C Hays High School | AG | BSAG | ENVR | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Roedemeister | Brytin | Cheyenne | 2013 | Dove Science Academy | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Rupert | Emma | Marie | 2008 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | VM | DVM | VM | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Ryan | William | Richard | 2011 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | AG | BSAG | ANSI | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Saenz | Adrian | Alonso | 2011 | Dove Science Academy | EN | BSCV | CIVE | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Salinas | Juan | A | Jr. | 2015 | Putnam City North Hs | EN | BSEE | ELEN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK |
Sanchez | Solomon | Luke | 2013 | Westmoore High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Sanford | Bobby | D | III | 2014 | Casady School | EN | BSCP | CPE | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK |
Sarker | Amena | K | 2015 | Putnam City North Hs | HE | BHS | HRAD | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Schmitt | Brittany | Noel | 2013 | Piedmont High School | HE | BHS | NSCI | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Shippman | Madesen | Marie | 2013 | Westmoore High School | ED | BS | ELEM | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Sholar | Angela | Brown | 2013 | Deer Creek Hs/Edmond, Ok | AS | BS | SC | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Silver | Brittney | Nicole | AS | BS | MCMB | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |||
Skelton | Marc | Alexander | 2013 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | BU | BSBA | FIN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Smith | Abigail | Rose | 2013 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | AG | BSAG | NREM | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Smith | Anna | C | 2015 | Classen School Advanced Stds | AS | BS | PHSL | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Smith | Ashley | Marie | 2011 | Heritage Hall Upper School | EN | BSCV | CIVE | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Smith | Douglas | P | 2013 | Mount Saint Mary High School | BU | B | UND | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Smith | Miranda | Yvonne | 2012 | Midwest City High School | AS | BS | PSYC | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Smith | Reginald | Damon | Jr | 2011 | Mount Saint Mary High School | ED | BS | AADO | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK |
Smith | Veronica | Lanee | 2012 | Northwest Classen Hs | ED | BS | ELEM | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Snook | Duncan | Selestine | 2015 | Putnam City North Hs | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Snyder | Dylan | J | 2015 | Mustang High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Soult | Robert | William | 2012 | Westmoore High School | AG | BSAG | BIMB | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Stacy | Mallory | Anne | 2015 | Southmoore High School | AG | BSAG | ANSI | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Staples | Amanda | Dawn | 2013 | Putnam City High School | BU | BSBA | MGMT | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Steedman | Ashlyn | Nicole | 2013 | Home Schooled | HE | BHS | HDFS | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Steen | Katherine | A | 2015 | Bethany High School | ED | BS | ELEM | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Stockton | Mathew | Connor | 2013 | Deer Creek Hs/Edmond, Ok | ED | BS | HEPR | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Stoneking | Lynsey | Rene | 2015 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | AS | BS | ZOOL | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Swanner | Sarah | E | 2015 | Enid High School | AS | BA | SOC | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Swenson | Gavin | Allen | 2013 | Casady School | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Thai | Guo | W | 2015 | Putnam City High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Thai | Zhong | W | 2014 | Putnam City High School | EN | BSAE | AERS | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Than | Quynh | Anh T | 2015 | Westmoore High School | EN | BSCP | CPE | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Than | Uyen | Phuong Kyely | 2012 | Westmoore High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Thompson | Karly | A | 2014 | Southmoore High School | AG | BSAG | ANSI | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Tinnin | Wesley | D | 2014 | Moore High School | AG | BSAG | ANSI | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Tran | Thomas | Ton | 2012 | Southmoore High School | AS | BM | MUSC | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Tussy | Jordan | Alyse | 2012 | Edmond Memorial High School | HE | BHS | NSCI | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Ubeda | Montemar | J | 1111 | International High School | AG | BSAG | AGBU | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Vandersypen | Addison | N | 2015 | Putnam City High School | EN | BSCV | CIVE | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Vannarath | Christian | A | 2015 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | EN | BSAE | AERS | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Ventresca | Daniela | Franca | 2013 | Putnam City North Hs | HE | BHS | HRAD | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Voss | Ashley | Morgan | 2011 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | BU | BSBA | MIS | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Walker | Ann | Elizabeth | 2015 | Putnam City North Hs | AS | BS | CDIS | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Walker | Brooks | Daniel | 2012 | Putnam City North Hs | AG | BSAG | BIMB | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Walker | Raven | Savonne | 2012 | Midwest City High School | AS | BS | MMJ | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Wallar | Tate | A | 2015 | Westmoore High School | AS | BS | ZOOL | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Wallis | Emily | Ann | 2012 | Woodlands High School The | AS | BS | PSYC | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Wallis | Hannah | M | 2014 | Woodlands High School The | AS | BS | MATH | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Walton | Haley | Elizabeth | 2015 | Heritage Hall Upper School | BU | BSBA | EEE | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Watson | Emily | Ann | 2013 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | BU | BSBA | MGMT | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Webber | Joseph | Daniel | 2012 | Bishop McGuinness Hs | AS | BS | ZOOL | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Welch | Madison | Danielle | 2012 | Oklahoma Christian Upper Sch | BU | BSBA | EEE | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
White | Brandon | C | 2015 | Southmoore High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Whitlock | Matthew | J | 2015 | Southmoore High School | EN | BSCP | CPE | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Wietelman | Derek | Christian | 2012 | Southmoore High School | AS | BA | POLS | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Williams | Mitchel | Brown | 2015 | Harding Charter Prep School | AS | BA | ENGL | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Williams | Shania | J | 2015 | Del City High School | HE | BHS | HDFS | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Wilmot | Jordan | Alexandria | 2013 | Western Heights High School | EN | BSCV | CIVE | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Winrow | Sierra | Nicole | 2012 | Midwest City High School | AS | BS | SC | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Witherspoon | Markila | T | 2012 | Edmond Memorial High School | AS | BFA | ART | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Wittenmyer | Matthew | Joseph | 2010 | Midwest City High School | ED | BS | AADO | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Wolfe | Katherine | M | 2015 | Crossings Crstn Upper Sch | HE | BHS | HRAD | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Wolfe | Steven | Franklin | 2013 | Edmond Memorial High School | AS | BA | POLS | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Young | Courtney | Dawn | 2012 | Westmoore High School | ED | BS | AADO | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Zerby | John | Thomas | 2015 | Heritage Hall Upper School | EN | BAR | ARCH | Dean's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Zerby | Meredith | A | 2014 | Heritage Hall Upper School | AS | BFA | ART | President's | OKLAHOMA CITY | OK | |
Allen | Matthew | Drennon | 2012 | Home Schooled | AS | BS | CS | Dean's | OKMULGEE | OK | |
Anderson | Herod | James | HE | BHS | HDFS | President's | OKMULGEE | OK | |||
Crawford | Katie | R | 2015 | Morris High School | AG | BSAG | ANSI | Dean's | OKMULGEE | OK | |
Dungee | Chi | M | 1993 | Ged | HE | BHS | HDFS | Dean's | OKMULGEE | OK | |
Francis | Dylan | Kyle | 2011 | Okmulgee High School | AS | BA | ENGL | Dean's | OKMULGEE | OK | |
Henshaw | Chelsea | Kaylene | 2010 | Beggs High School | AG | BSAG | AGED | Dean's | OKMULGEE | OK | |
Skaggs | Anthony | T | 2000 | Edison High School | BU | BSBA | MIS | Dean's | OKMULGEE | OK | |
Stacy | Phillip | Kent | 2008 | Oktaha High School | VM | DVM | VM | Dean's | OKTAHA | OK | |
Brennecke | Katelyn | Renee | 2012 | Olathe East High School | AG | BSAG | FDSC | President's | OLATHE | KS | |
Green | Tanner | R | 2015 | Olathe South High School | BU | BSBA | INBU | Dean's | OLATHE | KS | |
Petersons | Kira | Blythe | 2014 | Olathe North High School | HE | BHS | DHM | Dean's | OLATHE | KS | |
Schneider | Ethan | Michael | 2014 | Olathe East High School | BU | BSBA | FIN | Dean's | OLATHE | KS | |
Taylor | Olivia | Nicole | 2014 | Olathe Northwest | AG | BSAG | ANSI | President's | OLATHE | KS | |
Cannella | William | Taylor | 2011 | Creighton Prep School | EN | BSCV | CIVE | Dean's | OMAHA | NE | |
Johnson | Nathan | Mcdermott | 2013 | Creighton Prep School | BU | BSBA | FIN | Dean's | OMAHA | NE | |
Nichols | Clara | Susan | 2012 | Millard South High School | AS | BA | HIST | Dean's | OMAHA | NE | |
Spadea | Thomas | Michael | 2013 | Edmond North High School | AG | BSAG | ENVR | Dean's | OMAHA | NE | |
Spencer | Katie | L | 2015 | Millard South High School | AS | B | PGEO | President's | OMAHA | NE | |
Aflleje | Christopher | Phillip | BU | BSBA | FIN | President's | OOLOGAH | OK | |||
Gaylord | Acy | Omega | 2011 | Oologah High School | EN | BSET | MET | Dean's | OOLOGAH | OK | |
Her | Chee | 2001 | Goodrich High School | BU | BSBA | GNBU | Dean's | OOLOGAH | OK | ||
Pilgrim | David | Dean | 2013 | Oologah High School | BU | BSBA | GNBU | Dean's | OOLOGAH | OK | |
Ray | Tommy | Leroy | 2011 | Oologah High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OOLOGAH | OK | |
Murphy | Ryan | A | 2015 | Villa Park High School | AS | BS | POLS | Dean's | ORANGE | CA | |
Andriacchi | Joseph | T | 2015 | Oregon High School | BU | BSBA | FIN | President's | OREGON | WI | |
Lee | Jeromy | Albert | 2012 | Canby High School | AG | BSAG | AGCM | President's | OREGON CITY | OR | |
Abee | Jewel | Murdis | VM | DVM | VM | Dean's | ORLANDO | OK | |||
Miller | Tanner | Ray | 2013 | Mulhall-Orlando High School | AG | BSAG | AGED | President's | ORLANDO | OK | |
Richardson | Thomas | George | 2015 | Mulhall-Orlando High School | AS | BS | MCMB | Dean's | ORLANDO | OK | |
Koolwick | Sophia | Anna | 2015 | Everest Collegiate High School | BU | B | UND | Dean's | ORTONVILLE | MI | |
Ienn | Ryleigh | M | 2015 | Osceola Jr-Sr High School | HE | BHS | HDFS | Dean's | OSCEOLA | NE | |
Hanna | Victoria | Lynn | 2009 | International High School | VM | DVM | VM | Dean's | OSHAWA | ON | |
Jaeger | Jared | Joshua | 2015 | Oshkosh West High School | AS | BA | POLS | Dean's | OSHKOSH | WI | |
Loevnes | Ingeborg | 2011 | International High School | AS | BUS | UNST | Dean's | OSLO | |||
Alzaher | Forat | 2009 | International High School | AS | BS | MATH | Dean's | OTTAWA | ON | ||
Alzaher | Sarah | International High School | BU | BSBA | ACCT | President's | OTTAWA | ON | |||
Butler | Logan | Marie | 2013 | Ottawa High School | AS | BA | SC | President's | OTTAWA | KS | |
Stevens | Hannah | Laura | 2012 | Turner High School | AG | BSAG | NREM | Dean's | OVERBROOK | OK | |
Block | Grady | Johnson | 2013 | Blue Valley High School | BU | BSBA | EEE | Dean's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Bodenhamer | Sydney | Lee | 2013 | Blue Valley North Hs | BU | BSBA | FIN | President's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Brehmer | Jordan | Ashley | 2012 | Blue Valley Southwest | HE | BHS | HRAD | Dean's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Greiner | Kale | Jonathon | 2013 | Blue Valley West Hs | ED | BS | HEPR | President's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Gunnigle | Caroline | Elizabeth | 2013 | Kansas City Christian School | AG | BSAG | AGCM | Dean's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Harmon | Benjamin | D | 2015 | Blue Valley Southwest | EN | BSCH | CHEN | Dean's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Hissong | Eric | James | 2013 | Blue Valley North Hs | ED | BS | AADO | Dean's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Hocker | Amy | Marie | 2012 | Shawnee Mission West Hs | AS | BS | CDIS | President's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Jarvis | Katelyn | Shay | 2013 | Blue Valley West Hs | HE | BHS | NSCI | President's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Lewis | Patrick | Miles | 2011 | Blue Valley High School | AS | BA | MMJ | Dean's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Schikevitz | Mollie | Leigh | 2012 | Blue Valley Northwest Hs | AS | BS | ZOOL | Dean's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Schram | Carson | M | 2014 | Blue Valley West Hs | BU | BSBA | FIN | Dean's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Slusher | Morgan | K | 2014 | Blue Valley North Hs | BU | BSBA | FIN | Dean's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Troiola | Avalon | R | 2014 | Blue Valley West Hs | AS | BA | SC | Dean's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Tyson | Lauren | Elizabeth | 2012 | Notre Dame De Sion | BU | BSBA | MKTG | President's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Wahrman | Alyssa | Marie | 2013 | Blue Valley West Hs | AS | BA | SC | President's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Witaszak | Katie | M | 2015 | Blue Valley West Hs | HE | BHS | NSCI | Dean's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Youngdoff | Anna | Christine | 2011 | Blue Valley Northwest Hs | HE | BHS | HDFS | Dean's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | |
Younger | Carley | 2014 | Saint Thomas Aquinas Hs | BU | BSBA | MKTG | President's | OVERLAND PARK | KS | ||
Coats | Brianna | Rhae | 2013 | Life School Oak Cliff | ED | BS | HEPR | President's | OVILLA | TX | |
Lynch | Taylor | Lee | 2015 | Red Oak High School / Texas | ED | BS | HEPR | Dean's | OVILLA | TX | |
Albin | Kyle | Patrick | 2009 | Owasso High School | VM | DVM | VM | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Baker | Kaylind | Nichole | 2013 | Owasso High School | AS | BA | POLS | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Beichler | Madeline | Kelly | 2015 | Owasso High School | EN | BSCV | CIVE | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Blackburn | Jessica | Brianna | 2013 | Owasso High School | ED | BS | ELEM | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Bruneau | Whitney | Nicole | 2012 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | PSYC | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Buller | Abigail | E | 2015 | Owasso High School | BU | BSBA | INBU | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Burns | Jordan | Lee | 2005 | Thomas A Edison High School | BU | BSBA | MIS | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Bush | Bryan | Thomas | 2013 | Owasso High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Buss | Eric | Robert | 2013 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | MATH | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Clark | Kathryn | 1989 | Stephen F Austin High School | ED | BS | ELEM | President's | OWASSO | OK | ||
Coffey | Jonathan | L | 2013 | Owasso High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Cordray | Andrew | J | 2014 | Owasso High School | EN | BSCP | CPE | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Crain | Erica | B | 2015 | Owasso High School | EN | BSIE | IEM | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Crain | Nicholas | Alexander | 2013 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | GEOL | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Croslin | Dylan | W | BU | BSBA | EEE | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |||
Crow | Alicia | M | 2006 | Victory Life Academy | AS | BS | CS | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Crowe | Bailey | Breann | 2014 | Owasso High School | UA | B | UARC | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Desandre | Cameron | Reid | 2012 | Owasso High School | EN | BSET | FPST | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Dykes | Aubrey | Paige | 2015 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | CDIS | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Dyson | Elizabeth | J | 2015 | Owasso High School | HE | BHS | HDFS | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Echols | Elizabeth | Erin | 2014 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | PSYC | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Eichelberger | Kirsten | B | 2015 | Owasso High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Eick | Amber | Caitlin | 2013 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | MCMB | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Elston | Taryn | M | 2014 | Owasso High School | EN | BSET | FPSE | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Evans | Kayleigh | A | 2015 | Owasso High School | HE | BHS | NSCI | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Ferguson | Taylor | Elaine | 2013 | Augustine Christian Academy | AS | BS | POLS | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Fine | Madison | H | 2014 | Owasso High School | BU | BSBA | FIN | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Foore | Marissa | Elizabeth | 2012 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | PSYC | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Frakes | Jade | Estella | 2013 | Owasso High School | HE | BHS | HDFS | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Gallagher | Matthew | Doty | 2012 | Owasso High School | EN | BSBE | BAE | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Gallaway | Ashton | Teal | 2012 | Owasso High School | AS | BA | PSYC | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Gamble | Rachel | N | 2014 | Lincoln Christian School | ED | BS | ELEM | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Goerlitz | Trisha | Elizabeth | 2013 | Owasso High School | AS | BA | HIST | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Goodell | Natalie | Jo | 2011 | Owasso High School | BU | BSBA | MKTG | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Gordon | James | A | 2014 | Rejoice High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Hamar | Blake | B | 2015 | Owasso High School | AG | BSAG | AGEC | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Hamlett | Austin | W | 2014 | Owasso High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Hammon | Emily | S | 2015 | Owasso High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Harding | Gary | Wayne | 2014 | Collinsville High School | UA | B | UAUN | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Henry | Gavin | Bailey | 2011 | Owasso High School | EN | BSCP | CPE | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Hill | Ryan | S | 2014 | Owasso High School | EN | BSME | MEEN | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Hopkins | Sabra | P | 2014 | Owasso High School | AS | BA | ENGL | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Howard | Trenton | Turner | 2011 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | PHSL | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Humphrey | Norleesa | Nicole | 2013 | Owasso High School | AS | BM | MSED | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Hunt | Morgan | Taylor | 2013 | Owasso High School | BU | BSBA | ECON | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Hurn | Johnny | Brent | Unknown High School | BU | BSBA | FIN | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | ||
Hutchins | Madison | 2015 | Owasso High School | AS | BA | ENGL | President's | OWASSO | OK | ||
Jackson | Sally | Ann | 2013 | Owasso High School | ED | BS | SCED | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Jacobsen | Ammie | Kay | 2004 | Claremore Sequoyah Hs | ED | BS | ELEM | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Jerome | Kaitlyn | N | 2014 | Collinsville High School | HE | BHS | NSCI | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Keiner | Kristina | 2011 | Oklahoma School Of Sci&Math | BU | BSBA | EEE | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | ||
Kelley | Jordan | T | 2014 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | CDIS | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Kennedy | Kaia | Kathleen Kaasen | 2012 | Owasso High School | BU | BSBA | INBU | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Kimbrell | Jared | L | 2014 | Owasso High School | EN | BSCH | CHEN | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Klein | Shelby | R | 2014 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | CDIS | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Kunka | Logan | Nash | 2013 | Owasso High School | EN | BSAE | AERS | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Lenaburg | Lauren | A | 2015 | Owasso High School | EN | BSCH | CHEN | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Linden | Tanner | Nathaniel | 2013 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | GEOL | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Lowers | Amber | R | 2014 | Owasso High School | BU | BSBA | MGMT | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Lundquist | Andrew | Colby | 2013 | Owasso High School | AG | BSAG | ANSI | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
McCann | Mackenzie | L | 2015 | Owasso High School | AS | BA | POLS | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
McClure | Dylan | Garrett | 2011 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | SC | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
McCombs | Kameron | Todd | 2013 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | MATH | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Mickle-Dittrich | Courtney | Renae | 2014 | Owasso High School | AS | BS | ZOOL | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Mickle-Dittrich | Regan | Nicole | 2012 | Owasso High School | HE | BHS | HRAD | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Miller | Katelyn | E | 2015 | Owasso High School | AG | BSAG | AGCM | President's | OWASSO | OK | |
Mitchell | Megan | M | 2015 | Lincoln Christian School | AS | BA | ENGL | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Moody | Michelle | Marie | 2013 | Owasso High School | HE | BHS | NSCI | Dean's | OWASSO | OK | |
Morris | Carlie | R | 2015 | Owasso High School | HE | BHS | HRAD | Dean's | OWASSO | OK |